We can all write a CV with a short summary, dates and listed skills under each role, but what really makes a CV stand out from the crowd is adapting it to where you’re at now!
I see so many CV’s both as a recruiter and when I was in agency and these are the top 5 things which would stand out:
- Industry knowledge – Showing industry knowledge and not just your skillset. You have worked hard to get where you are and really know your industry, so don’t be afraid to show it!
- Development – Skills are always going to include the typical time management and organisation, but don’t be afraid to highlight what you have gone out of your way to develop on and your motivation to grow.
- Results – Talk about your results and don’t feel like you’re blowing your own trumpet, make it clear what you added to the results and how you worked collaboratively with the team. After all, working in the creative industry is all about collaboration and results no matter what your role.
- Getting rid – Remove outdated and past info which may be irrelevant to the role you are applying for. Especially, if you have had many roles and had changes in direction throughout your career. You can reduce the amount of info which isn’t relevant to where you’re at now and where you want to go in your career to keep the reader engaged and help you stand out.
- New ways of working – It’s key now to highlight how you worked through the pandemic. It was a big change for many businesses and their employees moving to remote working. Now we have the big shift in hybrid and remote working it’s useful to talk about how you adapted and what you liked about the success you had during that time.